My Digital Studio(118108) is a fabulous program from Stampin' Up! that allowed me to put this page together is 15 minutes! I started with a ready- made page from a designer kit that came with the program, made a few adjustments, added my photo and text ...Done! I can print this at home or have it professionally printed through Stampin' Up! or save it to create a totally digital album! Love the options and the ease of this is awesome!
You can get your own My Digital Studio(118108) in my online store. Thanks for stopping by!---Lisa
Hi Trish! Thanks! Mieko is a Shiba Inu, a Japanese breed. She is almost a year now and she has a very regal look. Mieko belongs to my daughter and her husband.
I love MDS! Great page you made with it. Totally adorable puppy - what kind is it?
Hi Trish! Thanks! Mieko is a Shiba Inu, a Japanese breed. She is almost a year now and she has a very regal look. Mieko belongs to my daughter and her husband.
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