Saturday, April 10, 2010

Photography Tips: Sharing an Article

People & Portrait Photography Quick Tips
  • If you use objects other than your main subject in the foreground, be careful of placement. You don't want to obscure or detract from your subject.
  • Every time you hold your camera to your eye, look for leading lines, foreground elements, frames—anything you can use to lend dynamism to your image. Photographs are two dimensional but it helps if they look and feel three dimensional.
  • Don't just stand there—sit, squat, lie down. The angle from which you make a photograph can make a dramatic difference.
  • When using an electronic flash indoors, move your subject away from walls to prevent harsh shadows.
  • A piece of very light orange gel over the face of your electronic flash can warm up the light and give it a more pleasing cast.
  • When you first arrive at a new location, make note of any features that strike you. Try to find ways to incorporate them into your composition.
  • Be careful if you are using a wide-angle lens to photograph a group. The people at the edges may get distorted.
  • If kids want to look through the camera, let them. They will be more relaxed and cooperative. Just watch out for dirty fingers on the lens.
  • Anticipate kids' behavior. If they are playing tag, set up near the base, compose your image, and wait for them to come running in.

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